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Adding Conditional Branching
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Branches use conditions to guide respondents through Blocks and any customized Elements defined in the Survey Flow.

In this article:

  • Branching
  • Using And/Or Statements


Branches use conditions to:

  • Show, hide, and randomize Blocks.
  • Assign Embedded Data fields.
  • Launch customized Elements, messages, and survey endings.
  • Authenticate users.

When a condition triggers a Branch, respondents flow down a new track in the survey until they reach another condition, which can trigger another Branch or a new Element, and so on until they reach an End of Survey Element.

In the image below, the condition begins with an if statement. Respondents in this Survey Flow will:

  • Answer the two questions in the Introduction Block.
  • Answer the two questions in the E-Book Potential Customers Block.
  • If they own an E-Book Reader (based on their answers in the second Block) a branch is triggered directing them to the nested E-Book Current Customers Block.
  • If they do not own an E-Book Reader, they will skip the Branch and continue down an alternative

You can set new conditions based on:

  • Respondent answers to survey questions.
  • Embedded data
  • Device type

To create a conditional Branch with an if statement:

  1. Open the Survey Flow.
  2. Click the green Add a New Element Here link. 
    Note: You may also click Add Below.bl2.png 
  3. From the Elements Menu in yellow, click Branch.bl3.png
  4. At the blue marker, Add a Condition to trigger a new Branch.bl4.png

Using And/Or Statements

You can use Branch Logic to combine several conditional if statements. Link these statements together with the And/Or operators, as seen here. bl5.png

  • Use OR if you need participants to meet only one of multiple conditions to move forward.
  • Use AND if you need participants to meet all conditions to move forward.

Creating Logic Sets

Use a Logic Set to evaluate groups of conditions together.Screen_Shot_2018-10-02_at_1.46.48_PM.png

Note: Conditions will read in the order they are input.

In the following scenarios, the nested information will show only to respondents who are:

  • Detractors AND answered Extremely Dissatisfied
  • Detractors AND answered Somewhat DissatisfiedScreen_Shot_2018-10-02_at_1.55.04_PM.png


  • Under 21 AND Detractor
  • Over 21 AND PassiveScreen_Shot_2018-10-02_at_2.22.15_PM.png
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