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Handling Over Quota Responses
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Now that we can set up simple quotas, we can change the behavior that takes place when a respondent’s session ends because of a quota limit. 

In this article:

  • Customizing Respondent Behavior
  • Saving Over Quota Information

Customizing Respondent Behavior

A respondent who is over quota is an individual who starts a survey after a quota that he or she qualifies for has already been filled. If a quota is filled, the End Current Survey option immediately directs respondents out of the survey as soon as they meet the quota condition.


In the Customize menu, you can specify the end of survey experience for these respondents. This menu has the same options as an End of Survey element.


Use a custom end of survey message to provide some clarity to respondents on why their session was ended.  Write a message that says something like, “Thanks for your willingness to participate. Unfortunately, we have already filled our target response limit.”

You can also display a response report, or direct the respondent to a URL of your choosing.


Saving Over Quota Information

The next set of options in the Customize menu affects how much information Qualtrics stores for an over quota response. By default, Qualtrics will not discard any information.

When a respondent is terminated from the survey by a quota, the quota count will still increment for that respondent, even though the survey session ends. Qualtrics does this to track the total number of respondents who meet your quota conditions, even after the quota is filled. If you don’t want quota counts to increase beyond the quota limit, select Do not increment quota counts.


By default when using the End Current Survey quota action, the option Flag Response As is enabled. To view this information in your data, add an embedded data field named Q_TerminateFlag to the Survey Flow. This will create a new column in your dataset named Q_TerminateFlag that will include the value specified in the Flag Response As drop-down.


Additionally, if respondents are terminated from the survey, Qualtrics still records the answers they gave up until the point they were directed out of the survey. These responses will still contribute toward your account’s auditable response limits and are included in your data. If you don’t want to save these, select Do NOT record survey response. This permanently removes these responses from your recorded data.


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