Below are the shipping instructions and login information for Richardson. Click the shipping provider to skip to the relevant information:
User ID |
Password |
ship@richardson |
Production18 | |
Account # |
Name on Account |
Email on Account |
3WE696 |
Tracy Meagher |
Preferred shipping vendor due to negotiated rates.
Once logged in, you will be automatically directed to the Create a Shipment page. To create a shipment, fill out the following fields:
- Section 1: Where is the shipment going?
- Select Richardson name from address book or select Enter New Address
- NOTE: All trainer and sales rep names are loaded in the system in the address book
- Section 2: Where is the shipment coming from?
- Leave as is for standard Richardson from address, unless shipping from another location
- Section 3: What are you shipping?
- Number of packages: Select the number of boxes/packages going to the recipient from the drop down
- Packaging Type: Select the type of packaging being used
- If “Other packaging” is selected, you will need to include length, width, and hight (inches)
- Weight: Type in weight (use scale to weigh packages – it does not need to be 100% as UPS adjusts it as needed)
- Package declared Value: Leave blank unless shipping expensive equipment (i.e. computer) and advised to “insure.” Enter in value to field
- Section 4:
- Service: Select Services (see delivery times below)
- Do you need additional services?
- Click box for “receive confirmation of delivery UNLESS it is going to a trainer, (or a recipient who may not be home to receive delivery) then click “deliver w/o signature”
- Use “Deliver on Saturday” when shipping packages on Friday that need to arrive on Saturday – you will need to select the services as Next Day Air or Next Day Air Early AM and place and organize "Saturday" sticker on the UPS package
- Section 5:
- For project # field: type Phoenix Order number (if applicable) and client name
- For reference #2 field: type Richardson department sending package (Client Services, Marketing, IT, Sales Enablement, etc)
- Section 6: Keep as is
- Section 7: schedule pick up for heavy/large orders or for insured computer equipment
- Select Next
- Select Ship Now
- You will receive a pop up to print label – enable pop up if needed
- Print the UPS label on production printer (sticker paper) and place label on package
- Leave package under the phone out of the front door to Richardson office, UPS picks up between 6:00-6:30PM ET
- Update Corporate Address Book
- After logging in with credentials, click on the account menu under Tracy Meagher name (top right corner)
- Select ‘My Settings’
- Under Corporate Address Book, select ‘Search Corporate Address Book’ to update an existing address or select ‘Create New Address’
UPS Service Options
- UPS Next Day Air Early AM – 8:30 AM
- UPS Next Day - 10:30 AM
- UPS Next Day Air Saver – By end of BUSINESS day (Residential by 7pm. Business by 5pm; do not use for Sautrday delivery)
- UPS 2nd Day Air AM – By 12pm on the second business day
- UPS 2nd Day Air - By the end of the second business day (Residential by 7pm. Business by 5pm)
- UPS Ground - By end of business day on delivery date
- Saturday – Saturday by 7pm for residential
User ID |
Password |
Production2 |
Account # |
Name on Account |
Email on Account |
106057265 |
Tracy Meagher |
- Section 1: Keep as is
- Section 2: Type in address or select from drop down list from “Contact Name”
- Select “this is a residential address if shipping to a home”
- Section 3:
- Select # of packages going to the receipient
- Update and enter the weight of the package(s)
- Select Service and Package type
- Section 4: Keep as is/skip this section
- Section 5: Keep as is/skip this section
- Select the purple ship button
- Print label from production printer using FedEx printer labels
- All FedEx shipments must be taken downstairs to the FedEx drop box on the ground floor, past elevators across the hall from the dentist’s office
FedEx Service Options
- First Overnight – 8:30 AM
- Priority Overnight – 10:30 AM
- Standard Overnight - By end of day – (Residential by 7pm. Business by 5pm)
- FedEx 2 Day Delivery – By end of second business day –(Residential by 7pm. Business by 5pm)
- FedEx Ground – By end of business day on delivery date
- FedEx Saturday Delivery –Saturday by 7pm for residential
- Note – All packages being sent to New Mexico must be shipped by FedeEx for Saturday delivery service.
- Mail is collected daily in production room and in the finance department in marked bins
- Weigh letter on mail machine in production room
- Run letter through bottom of machine for postage
- Mailbox is on ground floor opposite side of the building as front desk
DHL (International shipments only)
User ID |
Password | |
Production09! |
Account # |
Name on Account |
Email on Account |
806373735 |
Tracy Meagher |
- Section 1:
- Keep as is
- Section 2:
- Select Destination Country which the package is going to
- Customs: Depending on what is being shipped it will be dutiable or non-dutiable, leave value at $1
- Section 3: Shipment Details
- Type in recipient address if not previously selected from address book
- Select shipment date
- Select number of packages to send
- Section 4: What are you shipping?
- Shipping Details: Are you shipping Documents? (paper) Or are you shipping anything else? (package)
- Click Create Invoice: An invoice will be printed out later.
- Purpose of shipment: Assign what’s the purpose of your shipment.
- Item Description: Describe what the item being shipped is.
- Schedule B: Leave blank
- Enter the Quantity and Units.
- Enter Item Value (required)
- Net weight: What it would weigh without the packaging. Gross Weight: would be with the packaging.
- Enter the country where item was made
- Add another item as you see fit. For similar items write it all in one description.
- Pallets: Leave blank unless sending an actual pallet.
- Invoice Number: Use your invoice number
- Ultimate Destination: Country where it'll end up.
- Ultimate Consignee: Type out who's going to receive it with their address.
- Usually don’t need to protect it unless it's something costly (i.e. computer equipment)
- Electronic export filling: Leave as yes.
- Additional customs documents: Leave unchecked.
- Section 5: Packaging
- Leave blank - what would be the total shipment weight and the number of packages
- Capture details for packaging quantity and weight, and dimensions (length, width, height in inches)
- Add necessary details as you see fit
- Payment: leave as is
- First field and second field should be “My Own Account”
- Select ‘DDP – Delivery Duty Paid”
- Section 6: Pick up & Delivery
- Select when you will be sending the delivery and your desired ship date & method
- Click ‘Yes’ for schedule a pickup
- Select the appropriate time frame
- Select where the pickup will occur and the weight of the shipment
- Assign any additional instructions for the courier as appropriate (i.e. “See Richardson Helpdesk for questions”)
- Select ‘Accept’
- Otherwise, all DHL shipments must be taken downstairs to DHL drop box, which is located next to FedEx box behind the 1818 1st floor lobby. Last pickup is at 6pm.
- Section 7: Printing
- There should be 1 label, 2 customs invoice and 1 receipt
- 1 invoice & 1 label goes with the shipment in the pouch
- 1 invoice is given to the courier
- YOU keep the receipt or share with Finance