May 14, 2020
- To get everyone involved, make a list of people to track who you have called on or haven't called on.
- Individuals who unmute themselves want to speak! While a participant is speaking, be on the lookout for participants who take themselves off of mute, and take that as a sign that they have a desire to speak. If they do not volunteer, come back to them. For example, "I noticed that you took yourself off mute during X, and I would love to hear your thoughts on..."
- Use Spotlight as a pointer on the slides (images below). Navigate to Main Menu bar > Annotate > Spotlight
- Alternatively, you can use the Pointer Tool. While screen sharing, right click on the sreen share and select Pointer Options > Laser Pointer
- Another option is to leverage a Stylus. If you have a stylus and touch screen laptop, you can use the stylus to write to the slides, similar to flip chart creation.
- Your presence is literally on display in the virtual classroom. You are just a few inches away from your participants.
- Turn up your enthusiasm and your voice intonation.
- Be aware of your posture and your expressions (smile)
- Use STRONG language to demonstrate confidence, conviction and credibility! This is new to you but trust yourself- YOU GOT THIS:
- Language DO’s and DON’Ts
- DON’T: Apologize in advance for calling on people. Don’t say you’re going to have to be the mean guy or anything like that.
- DON’T: Apologize as you bring up slides, the polls etc. This habit almost becomes “filler words”.
- DON'T: Use a virtual background or place a curtain behind you. It creates screen issues.
- DO: Normalize calling on people as they way we work together. Just let them know, I’m going to call on you so stay alert as we move the workshop together.
- DO: Say, “I’m bringing up the slides now, let me know when you can see them.” Or “I’m bringing up the poll now, let me know when you see it.” Participants expect there to be delay as different parts of the technology get up and running.
- KEEP CALM and CARRY ON! If issues arise, keep cool and move forward.
- Your presence is literally on display in the virtual classroom. You are just a few inches away from your participants.
- Please capture a list of participant names who join your session. Email a photo of that and send it to your CES as you have done in the past.
- Ask to confirm they see your: Slide/Poll/Polling Screen share of Accelerate etc. DO: Say: Let me know when you see the slide, DON’T say: can you see it?
- At the end of your agenda, offer an opportunity for participants to provide feedback or ask questions the way they would at the end of a traditional classroom session. Simply let them know that you are available for comments or questions for 10 minutes before you formally end the meeting. Capture and share feedback and takeaway insights with your RVP.
- Unlike Classroom workshops, there is NO time for these in VILT. On top of that, the bigger issue is that you quickly lose people’s attention. And then after sharing your story if you ask a question, you may face a group of people who don’t know how to answer because they checked out. And you quickly lose credibility. You will need to prepare yourself to not go on automatic pilot around things that are second nature in a traditional classroom.
- As the host, you have the option to send a PDF of the Workbook file to every participant via the Chat feature. Do this at the beginning of the event, during the Informal Opening. This will ensure the participants have access to a digital copy and the ability to print it if they have a home printer.
- Open Chat on the bottom right, click File, select PDF of the Workbook from your device and send it in the chat (images below).
- It is possible the pagination of your materials will not match participant versions in triage projects. Refer to the Topic Titles or Graphics. For true 4 session VILT formats, the pagination will be aligned, as outlined in your Leader’s Guide.
- As the host, you have the option to send a PDF of the Workbook file to every participant via the Chat feature. Do this at the beginning of the event, during the Informal Opening. This will ensure the participants have access to a digital copy and the ability to print it if they have a home printer.
- Word document can be used to capture in breakout takeaways, and you can choose to share with them in real time or reveal after you’ve completed it.
- White Board – found in Share window – used to capture in real time for them to see as you create it.
- Option to leverage Breakout Rooms in a way that enables you to separate participants by role and give them instructions. Example: “Those of you playing the role of the Customer, please join me in the hallway for a moment.” Here is how:
- Open Rooms and send participants with instructions that they have 60 seconds to decide who will be playing each role (Seller, Customer, Observer).
- After 1-minute Close All Rooms and bring all participants back. Confirm everyone is clear on roles.
- With everyone in the main room, give specific instructions to the Sellers.
- Click Open Rooms and instruct only the Sellers to Click Join Room button. The
- Tell Customers; Observers Not to Join so they remain in the main room with you.
- Give specific instructions to the Observers and send them into the room with the Sellers.
- Give specific instructions to the Customer and send them into the room with their colleagues to begin role play.
- Note: to mix things up, you can assign the Customer to an alternative breakout room than the one he/she was initially in. Similar when in class to rotating to another table team. Moving them into an alternative room requires finding their name, highlight and select Move To and you may assign them to a different room.
- Option to leverage Breakout Rooms in a way that enables you to separate participants by role and give them instructions. Example: “Those of you playing the role of the Customer, please join me in the hallway for a moment.” Here is how:
- Preparation Benchmark
- Use a Word document vs typing in the slide to capture debrief of Breakouts the way you would use a flip chart. Reveal in a Share when teaching the ‘ah ha’ moments. The slide is cumbersome and time consuming- no time to spare.
- Recommend Role Play
- Role Play was much easier to make them read background individually and ask each person to ID the 3 most important issues, as a group decide which 3, we will focus on in the role play. For breakouts, all teams prepare to Position an Overview. Each team is assigned just one of the 3 issues to focus on for Positioning the Detail.
- Preparation Benchmark