Typically, recording client events is avoided due to GDPR regulations and due to licensing of IP. If a client is insistent of recording, approval from the Richardson or SPI Contracts Team or Ops Leader is required in advance of the event and prior to distribution of the recording.
If a recording is required and approved, the host must select the option to Record to the cloud (not to “this computer”) so that the CES/CSA teams can access the recording in the Zoom account and obtain a shareable link.
To manage data privacy rights and to be GDPR compliant, the Recording Disclaimer functionality has been enabled into all Richardson SPI Zoom accounts. This means that attendees will receive notification when a recording begins, and they will be prompted to provide their consent to be recorded in the event. The attendee can either consent to stay in the session or leave. See Zoom Support for more details here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360026909191-Enabling-the-recording-disclaimer