Jun 22, 2020
Creating & Launch Polls
ØThe Producer & Facilitator have the ability to create the Polls
ØOnly the Host can “Open Polls” to be launched for participants and "Close Polls" for participants
ØOnly the Host can see the results once the poll is closed
ØThe host can share the results with the participants by checking the "Poll Results" box at the bottom and click "Apply" Some facilitators choose to talk through the results as well.
ØOnce the host closes the Webex, the polls will be cleared. Therefore, you will need to do this for each specific event
ØBest Practice: Create the polls ahead of time and save them to your computer
ØSign in 30 – 45min prior to delivery and create the polls for that session (i.e. Session 1, Session 2)
ØOnce you have created the poll, you can save it to your computer for back up purposes
Creating Polls

Launching Polls