Please note – These changes will impact all net new Customers and Sales Orders. These changes will not be applied retroactively to SOs that are already active in NetSuite.
Sales Orders (SO) contain all the services which the customer has contracted with Richardson Sales Performance to deliver (workshops, licenses, design, etc.). Previously, each contracted service was represented by a line item on the SO. For example, if a client purchased 20 workshop deliveries, 20 individual line items were created on the SO.
In an effort to simplify Sales Orders (SO) in NetSuite and streamline the SO creation process, workshop deliveries will now be grouped into one project/line item on the SO, called the Parent Project.
Parent Projects will appear on the SO and will contain the total number of contracted delivery days or hours for a Sales Order. The Parent Project will function similarly to contracts with Draw Down days. Refer to the signed Client contract for more information regarding whether the parent project is tracking days or hours.
For individual workshop deliveries, Child Projects will be created “under” the Parent Project. Delivery days or hours will be allocated or pulled down from the Parent Project and assigned to the Child Projects.
- Parent Project: A bucket or umbrella project that encompasses all contracted delivery days/hours for a Sales Order (SO). Refer to the signed contract for more information regarding whether the parent is tracking days or hours.
- Child Project: A project created "under" the parent project, which utilizes delivery days/hours from the parent project. NetSuite refers to these as Subprojects – you may see either term used.
- Sales Order (SO): encompasses the services that the customer has contracted with Richardson to deliver; it has a one-to-one relationship with an Opportunity in