The new pricing and packaging focus is on creating agreements with fully committed licensing and services during the term of the Statement of Work with our customers. You will note that all items have a [COMM] next to them and are bundled as one group in NetSuite.
Example Order: Scholastic SO001675 Scholastic SOW
Track all components that are included as part of the solution. If a participant license includes access to Consultative Selling, Accelerate and QuickCheck then fulfill all three components at once upon launch in Accelerate. Note that you can include the applicable Workshop item as well.
Example: You launch 15 participants into Accelerate for Sprint Sales Dialogue. You would then fulfill all three of the following items.
- 15 – 1.0 Day Sprint Dialogue [COMM]
- 15 – SPP- Accelerate Program Accelerate [COMM]
- 15 – QuickCheck – Program Unspecified [COMM]
Workshops, Design, Consulting, etc. should be fulfilled as completed.
Important Note for when a fully committed Sales Order is expiring:
- When the contract expires any remaining unfilled services, should be fulfilled in the month of expiration for any unused services.
- See NetSuite Search: Sales Orders Expiring Soon for reporting on upcoming expired agreements.