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Showing articles from Zoom Facilitation tag

Zoom Facilitator Guide: Connection

INTERNET BANDWIDTH & POWER * Connect to your router using an Ethernet cable If must be on wireless, get as close to your router as possible limit the use of other devices during your session.  close all other streaming services (video - music). * Use to test your speed . You will nee…

Zoom Facilitator Guide: Participant Audio & Merge Separated Video

MERGE PARTICIPANT AUDIO Computer audio is preferred for participants, and participants should join the meeting via the meeting link URL. If a participant utilizes the "Call Me" (dia ling in) audio option, and their audio and video are separated, there are two options to merge/combine them. Option 1: As the h…

Zoom Facilitation Tips & Best Practices

GENERAL FACILITATION TIPS * ENERGY & ENGAGEMENT MUST BE AMPLIFIED! To get everyone involved, make a list of people to track who you have called on or haven't called on.  Individuals who unmute themselves want to speak! While a participant is speaking, be on the lookout for participants who take themselves off…

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